Meet The Editor: Michael P. Moore

Current Institution: University of Colorado Denver, USA Research interests: I study how physiology and ontogeny limit the ways that organisms adapt to their environments. I am especially interested in using information about these constraints to better forecast how organisms will respond to global change. Why did you choose to study your particular area of research? When I started graduate school, there was a ton of … Continue reading Meet The Editor: Michael P. Moore

Lara Ferry: Let’s talk about Review Papers and welcome our new Reviews Editor, Dr. Liza Holeski!

We are about to welcome a new Review Editor to the Editorial Team at Functional Ecology, Dr. Liza Holeski! I hope you will all join me in welcoming Dr. Holeski to the team. She has served for several years as an Associate Editor and is going to be great in this new role. I hope that many of you seek out the opportunity to work … Continue reading Lara Ferry: Let’s talk about Review Papers and welcome our new Reviews Editor, Dr. Liza Holeski!

Selfie of Dr Adam Frew

Meet the editors: Adam Frew

Adam is an ecologist interested in plant-microbe and plant-insect interactions. His research investigates plant defences against herbivores, the ecology of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and everything in-between. He usually employs experimental approaches in controlled environment (glasshouse/growth chamber) and field studies to tease apart the functional ecology of the interactions between mycorrhizal fungi, plants, and herbivores. He recently took up an ongoing position at the University of … Continue reading Meet the editors: Adam Frew

Sandra Varga setting up a field experiment to exclude pollinators in Lincoln, UK.

Meet the editors: Sandra Varga

Sandra is an evolutionary ecologist deeply interested in understanding how plants interact with their environment, linking aboveground and belowground processes. Specifically, she explores the relationships between plants, mycorrhizal fungi, pollinators and herbivores. She is particularly interested in the evolution and maintenance of sexually dimorphic plant breeding systems, and how these systems and their associates are impacted by climate change. She combines observational approaches with manipulative … Continue reading Meet the editors: Sandra Varga

Meet the Editors: Alan Knapp

Alan Knapp in South Africa
Alan Knapp in South Africa

Ahead of this year’s British Ecological Society Annual Meeting in Birmingham, we wanted to give you the chance to get to know some of the people behind the decision letters. Today, we have Senior Editor Alan Knapp, Professor at Colorado State University (@alan_knapp). Alan is also a Faculty Associate at the Konza Prairie LTER.

Alan will be at the AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, DC.

   Continue reading “Meet the Editors: Alan Knapp”

Meet the Editors: Lara Ferry

Lara Ferry, getting her motorcycle license
Lara Ferry, getting her motorcycle license

Ahead of this year’s British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, we wanted to give you the chance to get to know some of the people behind the decision letters. Today, we have  Senior Editor Lara Ferry, Professor & Associate Dean, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University. Lara was also recently named named a President’s Professors, an honour that recognizes ASU faculty who have made substantial contributions to undergraduate education.

Continue reading “Meet the Editors: Lara Ferry”

Meet the Editors: Ken Thompson

Ken Thompson (in the middle).
Ken Thompson (in the middle).

Ahead of this year’s British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, we wanted to give you the chance to get to know some of the people behind the decision letters. First up from Functional Ecology is Senior Editor, Ken Thompson. Ken Thompson is also a successful writer and copies of his latest book, Darwin’s Most Wonderful Plants, will be available at the Annual Meeting.

What can you tell us about the first paper you published? Continue reading “Meet the Editors: Ken Thompson”

AE Profile: Antonio José Manzaneda

AJM1We’re happy to introduce another member of our editorial board, Antonio José Manzaneda. Antonio is based at the University of Jaén, Spain, and is a plant evolutionary ecologist whose work focusses on the evolution of complex traits with a relevant ecological function in the context of adaptation. Read more about his research below.

Estimados colegas, aquí abajo os pongo algunas líneas sobre las investigaciones que he venido desarrollando durante mi carrera profesional como ecólogo evolutivo. Destaco algunas de las publicaciones sobre hormigas y semillas que realicé durante mi doctorado en la Sierra de Cazorla y otros parques naturales de España, mi trabajo sobre Boechera y sus herbívoros con Tom Mitchell-Olds en las Montañas Rocosas, y también de mi trabajo con Brachypodium y el significado evolutivo y ecológico de rasgos funcionales en este complejo de especies. Espero disfrutéis y que ayude a que conozcáis un poco mejor mi trabajo.

Un saludo cordial.


Continue reading “AE Profile: Antonio José Manzaneda”

Oscar between an annual prairie in Sierra Norte (Spain) and an algae community in Mull Island (UK) searching for generalities across ecosystems.

AE Profile: Oscar Godoy

Oscar is community ecologist focused on answering two fundamental questions in ecology. 1) Which are the determinants of species coexistence and exclusion within ecological communities, and 2) Which are the consequences of these coexistence dynamics for ecosystem functioning? Approaches to tackle these questions include the combination of ecological theory with observational studies, manipulative experiments and a strong component of statistical modelling. He has just started MESSY lab (Mediterranean Ecological Studies and SYnthesis lab) at the University of Cádiz (Spain), which aims to investigate mechanisms of species coexistence across multiple trophic levels in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

Oscar es un ecólogo de comunidades centrado en contestar dos preguntas fundamentales en Ecología. 1) ¿Cuáles son los determinantes de coexistencia y exclusión de especies en las comunidades ecológicas?, y 2) ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias de estas dinámicas de coexistencia para el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas? Las aproximaciones para manejar estas preguntas incluyen la combinación de teoría ecológica con estudios observacionales, experimentos manipulativos y un fuerte componente de modelización estadística. Oscar acaba de empezar MESSY lab (Laboratorio de Estudios Ecológicos Mediterráneos y Síntesis) en la Universidad de Cádiz (España), el cual tiene por intención investigar los mecanismos de coexistencia de especies contenidas en múltiples niveles tróficos tanto para ecosistemas terrestres como marinos.

Continue reading “AE Profile: Oscar Godoy”